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Meet Mike Jackson

Big Mike 🤠

I work as a long haul truck driver. 🛣️
I enjoy driving truck in Texas, Nebraska and Iowa. 🌽

Home: Welcome

"The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast, and you miss all you are traveling for."

Louis L'Amour

Home: Quote

About Me

I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. 🐝
I have spent most of my life living in the great state of Idaho. 🏡
I like to travel and take pictures, eat pizza, and read Louis L'Amour novels. 📸🍕🤠

Home: Bio

Professional Truck Driver

Roll on eighteen wheeler...Roll on! 🇺🇸

I have my Class A CDL and a decade of experience driving an eighteen wheeler around the country.

Home: Experience

Part Time-2013 to Present

Truck Driver, LA Parkinson Trucking

I like to roll out of bed and get to work. 🛣️

Frontend Web Developer

I have completed HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python 3 courses from Codecademy. 👨‍💻

I have my own website on GitHub Pages where I like to display pictures from my truck driving adventures. 🤠

Home: Skills
Home: Selected Work


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